Learn to Play Tennis like the Professionals:
Our Philosophy is to create a pleasant learning environment to get the best results from every student. Our program has also been carefully designed to help make learning proper tennis both easy and fun.The program initially teaches the basic strokes needed to play the game and develops these skills to be used in a game/match situation.
Start taking lessons early. These skills will help you for the rest of your lives. Our goal is not to turn you into a professional, but to give you the tools for success that will make the game more enjoyable.Fundamentals are necessary for cutting down on injuries and increase longevity in the game.
There are no hard and fast rules for learning to play tennis or for developing your game, and there is no one style which could be laid down as the "correct" way to play.Your own style could be one of the most important decisions you willl make in tennis. You should take great care in deciding on which champion you should model your strokes and your natural approach to the game; you should give much thought to deciding whether to change any stroke which may feel natural; and you should be wary of any coach who tells you there is only one way to make certain strokes or only one way to play certain shots.
Successful tennis performance requires a mix of player talent and player development. This development requires a player to understand those aspects of sport science pertinent to tennis if he is to ever reach an optimal level of performance.In the early stages of training, parents and coach can coax the individual into developing some parts of his skills. Ultimately, the athlete determines this development himself. Desire is the basis of motivation. Knowing how to desire is a mystery that is rarely solved, but in the end it is always up to the individual athlete.
Most champions developed their different styles to suit their physical makeup, temperament and personality. The only assistance they seek are: training, tactics, temperament (which,of course, embraces behaviour on and off the court), court craft, pride of performance and many other things which are necessary for successful conpetitive tennis under pressure.
There is much to learn. Some of it may be a little dry and unexciting, but you can get your excitement when you next step on court and try some of the hints and tips we provide you here. When you do play, try to remember that tennis is like every other sport, in that if you wish to improve your game you must work at it, give it concentration and remember that essentially it is a sport and good excercise.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. ---Aristotle
There are only two principles in tennis. All of the rules are just details to
support these two principles.
Principle One:
You must get the ball over the net.
Principle Two:
The ball must land in the court on your opponent's side of the net.
If you always do these two things, guess what? It is almost impossible to lose! All you have to do is get the ball over the net and into the court one more time than your opponent, and you're practically unbeatable. Sounds simple enough, doesn't it?
Step #1 -.Building a Foundation.... Groundstrokes ...Forehand,..single-handed or double-handed backhand ...
* Ready Position
* Grip
* The turn to the Set Position
* Footwork to create the ideal Spacing to the path of the incoming ball
* The Pre-Contact Swing Shape
* The Contact Point
* The Post-Contact Swing Shape to the Finish
* The Swing Tempo & Rhythm
* The Post Shot Footwork Recovery
Step #2 - Serve...Return of Serve...theory,... technique..., demonstrations, and stroke development exercises...developing anticipatory skills...Weakness identification and correction; an individual assessment...
Step #3 - The Approach shot, Volley, and half-volley; theory, technique, demonstrations, and stroke development exercises...
Step #4 - The Lob, overhead, and drop shot; theory, technique, demonstrations, and stroke development exercises...
Step #5 - Maximizing your Strokes... Developing consistency...control....power....placement....
"The art of
tennis is control and restraint, and putting the ball where the other guy ain't"
Before developing a game dependent on strategy first a player must have the strokes that will get the ball over the net. Hitting with depth is the second necessity. Limiting the number of options is the third. Overall strategy and point-to-point tactics are over rated for most players.
In other words, you must think about your game and use what you have to get
the best possible results.You must curb any desire to hit everything with power,
instead, concerns yourself with accurate placements and increase the percentage
of your first serve.
There are no big secrets to winning. Achieving positive results has little to
do with superior intelligence or special skills other than sound abilities.
The difference between success and failure in competition is remarkable small.
The simple habits and techniques work. Intelligent game management is not only
one of the many elements a pro has at hand, but an absolutely “elementary particle”.
A clever structure can not only help to shorten rallies or distances, but also
to bring points home economically.The first one is knowing the reality of the
game. The second is putting your abilities into action with a clear mind.
Most players incorrectly equate winners with power. This is a misconception
that lures many players into trouble. Winners do not mean power! This article
will cover this inaccurate conception and discuss the proper way to approach
hitting winners.
Hitting a winner simply means hitting a shot that is not returnable. You could
be hitting a shot 10 miles an hour or 100 miles an hour. If the ball is unreturnable,
it's a winner. Power does not have to be part of a winner.
Why is this important to understand? Because most players overplay their winners.
Overplaying is one of the main reasons players lose control of their put-aways.
For some reason, when they finally have the right opportunity to win the point,
they abandon control and go with power.
The first one is knowing the reality of the game. The second is putting your
abilities into action with a clear mind.
Overemphasizing power makes them tighten up their muscles, lose their visual
focus, and yes, sometimes even hold their breath. Somehow, by holding their
breath, they think they're going to gain control of the situation. They don't;
instead they turn blue and the ball usually goes anywhere but where they're
aiming. By the way, power is achieved by timing and rhythm, not by tightening
up your muscles and trying to knock the cover off the ball.
Remember that the strongest defence is to attack, for if the other man is occupied in meeting your attack, he will have less time to formulate his own system.
If you are playing a very steady man, do not strive to beat him at his own game. He is better at it than you in many cases, so go in and hit to win. On the other hand, if you find that your opponent is wild and prone to miss, play safe and reap the full crop of his errors. It saves you trouble and takes his confidence.
Above all, never change a winning game.Always change a losing game, since, as you are getting beaten that way, you are no worse off and may be better with a new style.
The question of changing a losing game is a very serious thing. It is hard to say just when you are really beaten. If you feel you are playing well yet have lost the first set about 3-6 or 4-6, with the loss of only one service, you should not change. Your game is not really a losing game. It is simply a case of one break of service, and might well win the next set. If, however, you have dropped the first set in a 2 out of 3 match with but one or two games, now you are outclassed and should try something else.
Take chances when you are behind, never when ahead. Risks are only worth while when you have everything to win and nothing to lose. It may spell victory, and at least will not hasten defeat. Above all, never lose your nerve or confidence in a match. By so doing you have handed your opponent about two points a game a rather hard handicap to beat at your best.
Don't worry. Don't fuss. Luck evens up in the long run, and to worry only upsets your own game without affecting your opponent. A smile wins a lot of points because it gives the impression of confidence on your part that shakes that of the other man. Fight all the time. The harder the strain the harder you should fight, but do it easily, happily, and enjoy it.
No pressure, no diamonds.-Mary Case
Step #6 - Environmental Management...There are many things that you cannot control: wind, sun, court conditions, opponent’s play, bad line calls, and so on. If you put too much attention on these events, you get irritated, or even upset. Yet, the events don’t change ... only the level of play drops dramatically.
Many players wake up saying "It's too cold," "It's too windy," etc. Try to focus on how to deal with the elements. Remember that it will be just as windy or cold for your opponent as it will be for you.
By being focused on these events you waste your energy which could be used on elements that you can control: your attitude, effort, and how you intend to play.
Step #7 -Games Management.... Getting the Edge: Competing against Boomers & Retrivers... Serve & Volley players... Lefties... and other opponents....Try to win a series of points. This will demoralize your opponent. Also, it will force you to play more consistently.
Observe your opponent at the onset of the game and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses. Keep playing to their weakness. If your opponent continues to lose the point it will affect his or her concentration. If your opponent gets under control, change your game plan.
If you watch a
player for tactical reasons, don't simply note what he is missing or playing
well; what you want to know is why he is missing or playing well.
Never let your opponent know you are worried. Never show fatigue or pain if
it is possible to avoid, since it will only give him confidence. Remember that
he feels just as bad as you, and any sign of weakening on your part encourages
him to go on. In other words, keep your teeth always in the match.
Step #8 - Tennis Intelligence: .Read... Plan....Observe.. Record.. Improve..In your tennis game, this means that you make an investment in yourself. Take some lessons, go to a gym, cross-train, and stretch or try new ideas.
"More tennis can be learned off the court, in the study of theory, and in watching the best players in action, than can ever be learned in actual play." -- Bill Tilden
Step #9 -Strength ... Power...Speed...Athleticism ....If you cannot run to the back of the court to retrieve the lob or dart to the service line to cover the drop shot, you reduce your chances of winning. Aerobic exercise of any kind can enhance your game and increase recovery time when you are serving or engage in long points.
Running is excellent for the legs and lungs with distance for stamina and sharp bursts of short sprints to keep a player conditioned for the many short bursts of speed neccessary getting to the net, moving across it, back to the backcourt for lobs and for the many points a good player must scramble for in top company.
Weight training can help improve your serve and overheads.
Exercising and stretching in general can help reduce injures. Physical conditioning is a necessity - sprints, sliding, crossovers, jumping rope, etc. Work on developing fast feet. Go to a tennis court and practice the various movements needed to be competitive. This will give the player "court sense"
Step #10- The Code of Conduct & Rules of Tennis: Read and understand the rules of the game and scoring. This will allow the coach to spend the needed time working on strategy and tactics, challenges and competitive drills.
Step #11- Mental Training: Tennis is a multi-dimensional game, but the mental aspect of the game is just as important. You may have developed a diverse game, but if you don't play smart and make the right shot, keep your cool, be patient and wait for the right opportunity to end the point, a lesser player can beat you.
The mental game of tennis is an important element to winning.
Confidence is one
of those elements where tennis psychology can help quickly and with very simple
tools. If you are not confident you will hesitate, you’ll be afraid to
take risks, and your shots will miss by a little. When you build confidence
you are able to play your best, even when things don’t look to go your
way. That’s how you change them.
Probably the most common thing we see that holds athletes back from realizing their full potential is not injury, physical limitation, or even nutrition.
The biggest obstacle to peak performance is a failure to control the way they think, feel and behave – especially when the going gets tough.
Success Is A Journey Not A Destination.
Life's Battles Don't Always Go
To The Stronger Or Faster Man,
But Sooner Or Later The
Man Who Wins Is The Man
Symptoms that you need mental training include:
*Failing to rigorously follow your training schedule
*Not getting the most out of each work-out session
*Not being in your peak state during competitions
*Being “psyched out” by the competition
*Feeling overwhelmed the pressure to perform
*Pre-Event Anxiety
*Fear of Failure
*Self Doubt
*And the list goes on and on
Self-trust is the first secret of success. -Ralph Waldo Emerson
Step #12- Match Play ....Preparation: Benefits of the game/match program:
We find it offers
the players a chance to self discover their tennis capabilities, learning through
the mentor system. That is learning by playing people of the same standard for
a highly competitive match, a higher standard to learn from them, and a lower
standard for trying new strategies and shots.
The first and most
important point in match play is to know how to lose. Lose cheerfully, generously,
and like a sportsman. This is the first great law of tennis, and the second
is like unto it to win modestly, cheerfully, generously, and like a sportsman.
The object of match play is to win, but no credit goes to a man who does not
win fairly and squarely. A victory is a defeat if it is other than fair. Yet
again I say to win is the object, and to do so, one should play to the last
ounce of his strength, the last gasp of his breath, and the last scrap of his
nerve. If you do so and lose, the better man won. If you do not, you have robbed
your opponent of his right of beating your best. Be fair to both him and yourself.
It is the competitive spirit that is the breath of life to every true sportsman:
the desire to prove to himself he can beat the best of the other man; the real
regret that comes when he wins, and feels the loser was not at his best.
The first thing to fix firmly in your mind in playing a match, is never to allow
your opponent to play a shot he likes if it is possible to force him to make
one he does not. Study your opponent both on and off the court. Look for a weakness,
and, once finding it, pound it without mercy. Remember that you do not decide
your mode of attack. It is decided for you by the weakness of your opponent.
If he dislikes to meet a netman, go to the net. If he wants you at the net,
stay back and force him to come in. If he attacks viciously, meet his attack
with an equally strong offensive.
A match is a long arduous struggle that has a momentum
and changes. Seldom does a match result in the complete destruction of an
opponent if they are of equal ability. Generally play is determined by subtle
strengths and weaknesses in mental toughness or physical fitness. Being evenly
matched in ability at the beginning of a match does not always mean by the end
of the match it will be the same. Some especially junior players will hit out
until they are worn out physically. Other players will run their opponents into
the ground until they are unable to lift their arms. This is the essence of
strategy and match play.
to develop your tennis performance right up to competition level:
Module 1: Planning
Module 2: Conditioning
Module 3: Mobility
Module 4: Endurance
Module 5: Strength
Module 6: Speed
Module 7: Injury Prevention
Module 8: Psychology
Module 9: Ergogenic Aids
Module 10: Evaluation Tests
Module 11: Competition Preparation
Here are some of the benefits you’ll accumulate from the training modules:
Improve the strength
and power of movements by optimising the functioning of your nervous system
Experience a leap in power and stamina as you change your exercises to mimic
the intensities of your sport or event
Nullify weaknesses by applying specific strengthening and mobility exercises
-- a crucial technique all athletes should master
Transform your circuit training to improve strength, power, economy and VO2
Improve ‘lactate threshold’ – the best predictor of endurance
performance – by using intense workouts close to maximum velocity
Utilise ‘neural training’ to fine-tune the nervous system to sustain
fast intensity for the full duration of your competitive event
Build endurance (rather than strength) for your common ‘at-risk’
muscles such as your back and trunk
Maintain constant speed and power right through to the final stretch (just when
the rest of the field slows), using one of the world’s most effective
training methods:
Reduce your heart rate and deliver more oxygen to hard-working muscles by increasing
blood volume to exceptional levels before competition
Improve flexibility and avoid injury using the ‘dynamic strength workout’
Quickly carve away body fat and replace it with lean muscle
Each module will move you towards a new competitive level.
Man improves himself as he follows his path; if he stands still, waiting to improve before he makes a decision, he'll never move. -Paulo Coelho